A farm in North Germany. Fields, sheeps, a dyle. Children are running through the house. A dinner service on the table. Grandmother Lulu has died. Her belonings are given out, the bed room is being painted. A barking dog. The nightingale sings. A clock is ticking. Flying sparks at night. Conversations with the mother about dealing with illness, ageing and death. About care and dignity. A visit of a friend in a nursing home. Come by at midnight - a lullaby and a strange message on the answering machine: Am I here?
Heimsuchung accompanies the film maker Henrike Meyer when she is visiting the house of her family after her grandmother past away. A place, that appears intimate and mysterious at the same time. The atmosphere is influenced by light and darkness, memories, fears and imaginations. Home can also be uncanny.
Text by Birgit Kohler
53 Min, HD, Colour, Dolby Digital 5.1, UdK 2014
German with English subtitles
Script, Realisation, Montage: Henrike Meyer
Cinematography, Montage: Bruno Derksen, Henrike Meyer
Sound Editing: Jochen Jezussek
Color Correction: Agnes Pakozdi
Title Design: Verena Stiebing
Subtitles: Benji Jeffrey, Lucy Wood
38th Duisburger Filmwoche
12th Dokfilmwoche Hamburg
11th Achtung Berlin Festival
32th Dokfest Kassel
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old school DVD